Fiber: Generally we know that Textile fiber is the fibers which are used in
textile and garments industry to produce textile or garments product.
There are different types fibers are available in the world but all the fibers are not textile fiber. We can define textile fiber as
There are different types fibers are available in the world but all the fibers are not textile fiber. We can define textile fiber as
“The smallest textile raw component which may microscopic, hair like substance and that may be natural or man-made”.We can also distinguish textile fiber as
“The raw material which contains fibrous structure and its length may be thousand times higher than its width or diameter and it can be convert into yarn which is suitable for weaving or knitting and easily colored by dye stuff and finally its be a textile or garments product are known as textile fiber”.
essential requirements for fibers to be spun into yarn include a length of at
least 5mm. The textile fiber should be flexible and should have cohesiveness
and enough strength. Others important properties of textile fibers are elasticity,
fineness, uniformity, durability, lecture and many more.
of Textile Fiber: In textile and garments industry different types of textile
fibers are used from the ancient time to develop textile products such as
clothing, household items, industrial products and many more. Primarily textile
fibers are divided into two groups, they are, Natural Fiber and Man-Made
Fiber: We can simply define natural fiber as
Classification of Natural Fiber: Natural fiber generally classified as Vegetable origin, Animal origin and Mineral origin. Then the vegetable origin divided into three groups, they are: Bast fiber, Leaf fiber and Seed fiber & Fruit fiber.
“The fibers which are obtained from natural source like animal, vegetable or mineral”.The fibers which are like hair in raw condition and directly obtain from animal, vegetable or mineral source. This raw fiber can be converted into several stages like fiber to yarn by spinning process and then yarn to woven cloth or knitted cloth by weaving or knitting. The natural fiber also able to exploitation different types dyes and colors. The commercial effectiveness and uses of natural fiber depends on several condition like it’s length, strength, elasticity, abrasion resistance, absorbency and many others properties which helps to use natural fiber for commercial purpose like make clothing.
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Classification of Natural Fiber: Natural fiber generally classified as Vegetable origin, Animal origin and Mineral origin. Then the vegetable origin divided into three groups, they are: Bast fiber, Leaf fiber and Seed fiber & Fruit fiber.
Fiber: The fiber which are produced in industry for commercial purpose using
different natural or others substance like wood pulp, polymer etc. We can
simply define man-made fiber as
Classification of Man-Made Fiber: Man-made fiber primarily classified into two groups, they are: Natural Polymer or Regenerated Fiber and Synthetic Fiber. The natural polymer fiber classified into Cellulose (Rayon), Cellulose Esters, Protein and Miscellaneous. The synthetic fibers are divided into 5 groups, they are: Polyamides, Polyesters, Polyvinyl derivatives, Polyolefin’s and Polyurethane. And finally the Polyvinyl Derivatives are divided into 8 groups, they are: Polyacrylonitrile, Polyvinylidene Chloride, Polyvinyl Alcohol, Polytetralluro ethylene & Related polymers, Polyvinylidine dinitrile (PVDN), Polystyrene and Miscellaneous.
“A fiber which is manufactured rather than occurring naturally”.Some properties of man-made fibers greater than natural fiber and some properties are less than natural fiber. But most of the properties are higher like strength, durability, fineness, spun ability and many others. Some Man-made fiber may not comfortable or flexible or human clothing. Man-made fiber processing is easy when it’s compared to natural fiber processing and also the cost of man-made fiber also low then natural fiber.
Classification of Man-Made Fiber: Man-made fiber primarily classified into two groups, they are: Natural Polymer or Regenerated Fiber and Synthetic Fiber. The natural polymer fiber classified into Cellulose (Rayon), Cellulose Esters, Protein and Miscellaneous. The synthetic fibers are divided into 5 groups, they are: Polyamides, Polyesters, Polyvinyl derivatives, Polyolefin’s and Polyurethane. And finally the Polyvinyl Derivatives are divided into 8 groups, they are: Polyacrylonitrile, Polyvinylidene Chloride, Polyvinyl Alcohol, Polytetralluro ethylene & Related polymers, Polyvinylidine dinitrile (PVDN), Polystyrene and Miscellaneous.
Authors Bio:
Fakharuddin Manik is the Founder and Cheap
Editor of Jazzylook.com and Textiledegree.com. He recently completed his B.Sc.
in Textile Engineering program from a renowned university. He is a professional
Blogger, Affiliate Marketer and SEO specialist. He usually writes about
fashion, lifestyle, health tips, textile education and blogging. He also
interested anything about blogging and technology. You can follow him at Facebook and Twitter.
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